Hope Starts Here

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Hope in Action

At Hope Found, we often see how traffickers lure victims into their stronghold through relationships—be it romantic, friendly, professional, or familial. Through this relationship, a bond has been established---and it is a strong bond. These are called trauma bonds.

We understand the depth of these trauma bonds and strive to build healthier, empowering relationships with those we serve, helping them find the strength to break free from their traffickers.

**Meet Lacey.** Since November 2022, our Survivor Advocate, Ky, has worked to build a relationship with Lacey, who initially expressed disdain for social workers, Hope Found, and even Christianity. Despite her resistance, Lacey reached out when she needed assistance or someone to talk to. However, she would always deny her involvement in trafficking or the sex industry.

After nearly a year, Lacey revealed her traumatic experiences of sex trafficking and exploitation and expressed interest in seeking help. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of God transforming her life. Shortly after this breakthrough, Lacey was arrested for drug paraphernalia and gun possession, but through our advocacy, she received court-ordered rehab instead of jail time. However, she faced a 90-day hold due to past offenses.

The following month, Ky continued talking and visiting Lacey while she was in jail. On one particular visit, Lacey was beaming from ear to ear; though not her usual demeanor, Ky was a little taken aback! Lacey told her that through the jail chaplain who would visit her, she had chosen to accept Christ! “My heart stopped! I was so excited for her!” said Ky.

Ky would continue to visit Lacey, and Lacey would continue to write letters to Ky. You could see a complete change in her, how she thinks, talks, and even her goals. Before Lacey went to jail, she and Ky discussed her returning to school and what she might want to study. On one of her recent visits, Lacey told Ky that she wanted to return to school but wanted to study something different than she had told her before. She said, “I want to go to school for social work…..because of you!....and I want to work at a place like Hope Found or even do prison ministry too!” (Remember, she hates social workers and Hope Found!)

There’s no time limit on how long it may take to build a strong, trusting, and healthy relationship with the people we serve. With Lacey, it took a lot of time, patience, and willingness to show up and be there for her when she needed us. Her story serves as a testament to the commitment we hold to supporting those who have experienced human trafficking and sexual exploitation. We are humbled and thankful that the Lord chose to use Ky in Lacey’s life and for the jail chaplain who was able to lead Lacey to Christ.